We rely on the efforts of dedicated volunteers to do what we do.
Whether you’re looking to get involved in your community, help reduce waste and improve local food security, or meet new people, our team is here to welcome you.
Want to join the board? 2025 Board Posting Here.
Fruit Picking
The essence of what we do. Fruit Pickers harvest fruit in small teams to be redistributed to those in need. Volunteer as it suits your schedule (and get to keep some of the spoils!).
Fruit Rescue Lead
If you’re interested in more of a leadership position, our Fruit Rescue Leads are responsible for leading picks, creating a safe and fun environment, and delivering the harvest to our community partner.
Ready to take to the streets? We have printouts you can deliver to mailboxes, doorsteps, or that neighbour with that bountiful apple tree. Thanks for helping spread the word!